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Short Cycle Degree (Certification, Diploma, Higher Diploma) Accredited Programmes

1. Higher Education Short Cycle Degree (Certification, Diploma, Higher Diploma) Programmes evaluated/accredited by the Agency
According to the «Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education and the Establishment and Operation of an Agency on Related Matters Laws, 2015 to 2021» (Article 4(c)) the [...] Accreditation shall be applied to the period provided for by the provisions of this Law and shall be repeated every five (5) years and that the procedure shall begin following the submission of an application by the 13 3(a) of 47(I)/2016. 3(b) of 47(I)/2016. 3(c) of 47(I)/2016. institution at least sixteen (16) months prior to the expiry of the validity of the previous accreditation: Provided further that, in case where the institution fails to submit the application within the time-limit of sixteen (16) months, the Agency may provide an additional time-limit of three (3) months for its submission and in case of non-submission of the application within the above time-limit, the Agency, upon a relevant decision thereof, shall apply the provisions of subsection (3) of section 5, for the smooth transition from the status of a recognized institution, department or study programme of higher education, as the case may be, to the status of non-recognition:  Provided still further that, if for any reason and due to a fault of the Agency it becomes impossible to complete the Evaluation and Accreditation within the above period, then the previous Evaluation and Accreditation shall continue to be in force until completion of the relevant procedure

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Institution TypeInst/tionProgramme of StudyDegreeRef. NumberDate of Appl/tionCYQAA SummitCom/ment of Accr/tionAccr/tion ExpiresLanguage of instructionCommentsExternal Ev/tion ReportInst/tion CmntsCYQAA ReportsCourse Distr/tion
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Office Administration (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.008.00217-04-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Information and Communication Technology (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.008.00313-03-2015 (MOEC) and 30-06-2016 (CYQAA)S19-12 and 13 June 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Information and Communication Technology (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. June 2022Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.008.00410-04-2019S45-3 and 4 September 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.008.00817-04-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07. November 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Executive Secretarial Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.008.00917-04-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Travel and Tourism Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.008.01022-01-2020S57-4 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Health Care Support Provider (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.008.01110-10-2021S75-16 November 2021Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Nicosia)Make-up and Nail Artist (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.008.01228-02-2022S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.013.00117-04-2019S51-31 March 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07. November 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Casino Management (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.013.007 22-12-2017S33-23 and 24 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023EnglishThe programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Information and Communication Technology (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.013.00821-05-2018S42-13 and 14 May 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Beauty Therapy (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.013.01025-07-2018S39-18 and 19 February 2019Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Accounting (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.013.01128-09-2018S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.013.01210-04-2019S45-3 and 4 September 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Office Administration (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.013.01317-04-2019S51-31 March 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Fashion Design (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.013.01410-05-2019S64-22 and 23 March 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Executive Secretarial Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.013.01517-04-2020S51-31 March 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Travel and Tourism Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.013.01622-01-2020S57-4 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Lemesos)Make-up and Nail Artist (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.013.01928-02-2022S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma) Higher Diploma07.14.019.00217-06-2016S11-24 and 25 October 2016Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma) Higher Diploma07. March 2022Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year,60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.019.00517-04-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07. November 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Executive Secretarial Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.019.00617-04-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Office Administration (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.019.00717-04-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Travel and Tourism Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.019.00822-01-2020S57-4 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Larnaca)Make-up and Nail Artist (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.019.01028-02-2022S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.025.00110-04-2019S45-3 and 4 September 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Executive Secretarial Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.025.00317-06-2016S14-30 and 31 January 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Executive Secretarial Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. and 23 March 2021Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Office Administration (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.025.00529-09-2016S23-2 and 3 October 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Office Administration (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07. September 2021Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Funeral Administrator - Embalmer (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.025.008 04-01-2018S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Funeral Services with concentrations: 1)Funeral Administrator, 2)Embalmer (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. 20-06-2022S98-23 October 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028GreekProgramme suspended for the academic years 2024-2028
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Accounting (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.025.00928-09-2018S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited / The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.025.01017-04-2019S51-31 March 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Secretarial Studies (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07. November 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Travel and Tourism Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.025.01122-01-2020S57-4 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationC.D.A. College (Pafos)Make-up and Nail Artist (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.025.01228-02-2022S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCollege of Tourism and Hotel ManagementHotel Administration (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.031.00114-06-2019S52-27 April 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCollege of Tourism and Hotel ManagementTravel and Tourism Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.031.00214-06-2019S52-27 April 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCollege of Tourism and Hotel ManagementHotel Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.031.003 12-01-2018S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCollege of Tourism and Hotel ManagementHotel Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. 12-01-2023S100-11 December 2023Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2028English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Nicosia)Aesthetics (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma) Higher Diploma07.14.037.00219-07-2016S18-15 and 16 May 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Nicosia)Music Technology (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.00604-04-2019S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2022
4. Private Institution of Higher Education Cyprus College (Nicosia)Computer and Network Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.00704-04-2019S82-16 May 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Nicosia)Aesthetics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.00819-04-2019S53-12 May 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Nicosia)Electrical Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.00926-06-2019S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Nicosia)Business Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.01028-04-2020S71-13 September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher Education Cyprus College (Nicosia)Internet Marketing and Social Media (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.01128-04-2020S63-22 and 23 February 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher Education Cyprus College (Nicosia)Office Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.037.01210-04-2020S60-2 November 2020Spring Semester 2020-2021Fall Semester 2025Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Accounting (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.00226-09-2016S16-13 and 14 March 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Technical Drawing (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.00301-07-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Computer and Network Technician (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.00613-10-2017S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Computer and Network Technician (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07. September 2023Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2028English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Office Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.00713-10-2017S30-14 and 15 May 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Office Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. October 2023Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Business Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.00813-10-2018S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Business Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. May 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Electrical Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.01028-12-2017S33-23 and 24 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Aesthetics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.01101-07-2020S53-12 May 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Medical Representative (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.01201-07-2019S64-22 and 23 March 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Digital Marketing and Social Media (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.01309-10-2023S107-20 May 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCyprus College (Lemesos)Beauty Technician and Makeup Artist (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.043.01411-07-2023S104-11 March 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeEngineering Technologist (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.00105-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeComputer Technologist (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.00217-06-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Ceased by the institution since 31-08-2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeElectrical Technologist (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.00325-11-2016S18-15 and 16 May 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeAesthetics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma) Diploma07.14.062.00619-12-2016S18-15 and 16 May 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeSecurity Management (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.00819-12-2017S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeSecurity Management (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07. April 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeSecurity Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma, E-Learning)Diploma07. and 5 November 2019Spring Semester 2018-2019Fall Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeSecurity Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma, E-Learning)Diploma07. April 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeHairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.062.01030-04-2019S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeHairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07. April 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeSecretarial & Office Administration Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.01330-04-2020S64-22 and 23 March 2021Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeBusiness Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.01501-07-2019S60-2 November 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationGlobal CollegeAutomotive Technicians (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.062.01928-06-2019S87-14 November 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Nicosia)Automotive Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.068.00104-07-2016S14-30 and 31 January 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Nicosia)Technician of Mechanical Installations (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.068.00204-07-2016S11-24 and 25 October 2016Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Nicosia)Mechanical Installations Technician with specialisations: 1) Mechanical Systems in Buldings, 2) Metal Structures (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. July 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Nicosia)Technician of Electronics and Electrical Systems (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.068.00306-06-2016S11-24 and 25 October 2016Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Nicosia)Trainer Aerobic Gymnastics and Fitness (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.068.00429-09-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Nicosia)Paramedic and Ambulance Crew (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.068.00515-01-2018S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Lemesos)Trainer Aerobic Gymnastics and Fitness (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.074.00104-07-2016S11-24 and 25 October 2016Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Lemesos)Nursery Education (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.074.00201-07-2019S93-15 May 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFrederick Institute of Technology (Lemesos)Automotive Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.074.00328-09-2018S43-10 and 11 June 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLedra CollegeDigital Marketing (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.081.00102-05-2017S20-3 and 4 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLedra CollegeMobile and Web Application Development (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.081.00215-01-2018S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLedra CollegeHairstyling (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.081.00530-06-2021S82-16 May 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLedra CollegeCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.081.00731-03-2022S91-13 March 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLedra CollegeAutomotive Mechanics (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.081.00830-06-2022S88-19 December 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeMarketing and Public Relations (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.00223-12-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited / The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeComputer Systems and Networking (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.00316-12-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeComputer Systems and Networking (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. May 2023Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeComputer Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.00526-06-2019S75-16 November 2021Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeAccounting (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.087.00728-12-2017S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited / The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeLegal Assistant (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.008 28-12-2017S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited / The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeBusiness Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.00925-06-2019S58-15 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeHotel Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.01025-06-2019S49-20 and 21 January 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeHotel Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. July 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeTravel and Tourism Management(2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.01125-06-2019S49-20 and 21 January 2020Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited/The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCTL EuroCollegeDigital Marketing (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.087.01222-12-2023S108-17 June 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Larnaca)-Terminated Operation 31-10-2019Computer Technology (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.100.00731-07-2015 (MOEC) and 06-07-2016 (CYQAA)S16-13 and 14 March 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Larnaca)-Terminated Operation 31-10-2019Information Technology (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.100.00831-07-2015 (MOEC) and 06-07-2016 (CYQAA) S16-13 and 14 March 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Acting (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.106.00117-06-2016S19-12 and 13 June 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Pharmacy Assistant (Technician) (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.00217-06-2016 (CYQAA) (DAAE 09-12-2015 and CYQAA 09-12-2015)S16-13 and 14 March 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Automotive Engineering (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.106.00427-11-2015 (MOEC) and 17-06-2016 (CYQAA) S14-30 and 31 January 2017Spring Semester 2016-2017Fall Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Automotive Engineering (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.00524-03-2015 (MOEC) and 17-06-2016 (CYQAA) S14-30 and 31 January 2017Spring Semester 2016-2017Fall Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Automotive Engineering (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. April 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Gas Technician (2 academic years, 132 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.00614-07-2015 (MOEC) and 17-06-2016 (CYQAA)S14-30 and 31 January 2017Spring Semester 2016-2017Fall Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Culinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma) Diploma07.14.106.00819-12-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Culinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. and 3 December 2019Spring Semester 2019-2020Fall Semester 2024Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Culinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. January 2024Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Gas Technician (3 academic years, 192 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.106.00925-09-2017S39-18 and 19 February 2019Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Mechanical Installations Technician (2 academic years, 132 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.01219-12-2017S34-10 and 11 September 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Mechanical Installations Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. September 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Electrical Technician (2 academic years, 132 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.01329-01-2018S33-23 and 24 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Beauty and Wellness (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.01520-04-2022S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationIntercollege (Nicosia)Hospitality and Food Service Operations (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.106.01920-04-2022S97-11 September 2023Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2028English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeOffice Management (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)
Certificate07.14.112.00219-12-2016S26-22 and 23 January 2018 Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeOffice Management (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)
Certificate07. September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.01230-04-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher Education American CollegeComputer Science (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.01501-07-2019S85-19 September 2022Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeComputer and Network Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.01601-07-2019S83-20 June 2022Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeHotel Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.01701-07-2019S64-22 and 23 March 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeAccounting Officer (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.01801-07-2019S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeBusiness Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.02101-07-2019S52-27 April 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.02230-04-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeDigital Marketing (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.02315-05-2020S71-13 September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeTourism Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.02530-04-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAmerican CollegeOffice Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.112.02730-09-2021S83-20 June 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeHotel Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.00114-04-2015S03-29 February and 1 March 2016Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeHotel Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07. and 2 February 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeEnvironmental Management Technician (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.00521-07-2016S18-15 and 16 May 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeTechnician for the Production of Organic Products (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.00621-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeLogistics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.00709-08-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeLogistics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeTravel and Tourism Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.01013-06-2018S37-10 and 11 December 2018Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeApplied Logistics (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.01123-02-2017S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeLogistics and Supply Chain Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07. September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / EnglishChange of Programme of Study name i.e.
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeMedical Representative (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.012 29-08-2017S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeMedical Representative (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. 07-03-2023S105-15 April 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeJournalism with Public Relations (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.013 11-09-2018S34-10 and 11 September 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeBeauty Therapy (3 academic years, 180 ΕCTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.01430-08-2017S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeOffice Administration and Secretarial Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.01513-11-2017S30-14 and 15 May 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeOffice Management Administrator (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. October 2023Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2028Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeOffice Administration and Secretarial Studies (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.01613-11-2017S30-14 and 15 May 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegePersonal Trainer and Group Fitness Coach (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.01722-12-2017S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegePersonal Trainer and Group Fitness Coach (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. June 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeMedical Representatives (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.01824-08-2018S46-30 September 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeGardening (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.01924-08-2018S42-13 and 14 May 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeGardening and Landscape Design (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.02024-08-2018S42-13 and 14 May 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeCulinary Arts, Bakery and Pastry (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.02124-08-2018S41-8 and 9 April 2019Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeCulinary Arts, Bakery and Pastry (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. January 2024Spring Semester 2023-2024Fall Semester 2028Greek / EnglishChange in Programme of Study Name
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeCulinary Arts, Bakery and pastry Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.118.02224-08-2018S41-8 and 9 April 2019Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023The programme has been ceased by the institution since 01-09-2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeBeauty Therapy (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.02401-07-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegePharmacy Assistant (Technician) (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.02501-07-2019S65-19 and 20 April 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationKES CollegeJournalism and Media Production (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.118.02729-09-2024S105-15 April 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationThe Philips CollegeBusiness Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.124.00319-12-2019S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationThe Cyprus Institute of Marketing - CIM (Nicosia)Marketing Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.130.00328-03-2019S49-20 and 21 January 2020Spring Semester 2020-2021Fall Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationThe Cyprus Institute of Marketing - CIM (Lemesos)Marketing Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.136.005 28-03-2019S49-20 and 21 January 2020Spring Semester 2020-2021Fall Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationSusini College (Nicosia)Aesthetics and Beauty Therapy (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.148.00130-06-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationSusini College (Nicosia)Applied Aesthetics and Beauty Therapy (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.148.00230-06-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationSusini College (Nicosia)Professional Make Up (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.148.00430-06-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationSusini College (Lemesos)Applied Aesthetics and Beauty Therapy (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.154.00130-06-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationSusini College (Lemesos)Aesthetics and Beauty Therapy (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.154.00230-06-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationSusini College (Lemesos)Professional Make Up (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.154.00530-06-2020S69-12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationVladimiros Kafkarides Drama SchoolActing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.160.00330-10-2023S107-20 May 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Hospitality and Tourism Animation (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.00419-12-2016S20-3 and 4 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Hospitality and Tourism Animation (2 academic years, 125 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. April 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Administrative Support Officer (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.00519-12-2016S23-2 and 3 October 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Retail and Merchandizing Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.00619-12-2016S19-12 and 13 June 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Retail and Merchandizing Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. February 2023Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Business Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.00704-12-2014 (MOEC) and 16-12-2016 (CYQAA) S18-15 and 16 May 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Business Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07. June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Culinary Arts (2 academic years, 126 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.01024-04-2019S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Domestic Personal Assistant (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.01124-04-2019S45-3 and 4 September 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Culinary Arts (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate) Certificate07.14.166.01224-04-2019S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Canine Management Studies (2 academic years, 125 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.166.01815-02-2024S111-15 October 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCity Unity College (Nicosia)Canine Studies (1 academic year, 66 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.166.01915-02-2024S111-15 October 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationThe Limassol College - T.L.C. (Lemesos)Journalism (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.173.003 12-15-2017S34-10 and 11 September 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationThe Limassol College - T.L.C. (Lemesos)Aesthetics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.173.00614-06-2020S53-12 May 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCasa CollegeAdult Nursing (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.180.003 15-01-2018S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCasa CollegeCruise Ship Hospitality Operations (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.180.00415-01-2018S37-10 and 11 December 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCasa CollegeCruise Ship Hospitality Operations (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07. July 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationThe Cyprus Academy of ArtsArt, Media and Design (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.187.00319-12-2016S25-11 and 12 December 2017 Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInterNapa CollegeCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.199.00114-12-2016S24-6 and 7 November 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInterNapa CollegeCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. July 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInterNapa CollegeHospitality and Tourism Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.199.00630-04-2018S42-13 and 14 May 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInterNapa CollegeProfessional Bartending (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.199.00827-05-2021S72-4 October 2021Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.205.00130-12-2016S20-3 and 4 July 2017Fall Semester 2014-2015Spring Semester 2019
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Hairdressing (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07. April 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Business Administration (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.205.00308-06-2020S57-4 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025The Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Professional Make Up (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.205.00611-01-2018S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Professional Make Up (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07. April 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Hospitality and Tourism Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.205.00717-12-2018S44-15 and 16 July 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024Greek / EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Αμμόχωστος)Hospitality and Tourism Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. September 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAtlantis College (Ammochostos)Aviation Management (2academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.205.00928-06-2021S78-18 January 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAlexander College (Larnaca)Journalism (1 academic year, 70 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.211.00821-12-2017S34-10 and 11 September 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationACC Akademia CollegeHotel administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.223.00121-06-2019S47-4 and 5 November 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024EnglishThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationACC Akademia CollegeHotel administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. September 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationAigaia School of Art and DesignVisual Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.230.00230-12-2019S85-19 September 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek / English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLarnaca College (Larnaca)Office Administration (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.236.00116-06-2016S13-20 December 2016Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLarnaca College (Larnaca)Accounting (2 academic years, 126 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.236.00223-02-2017S19-12 and 13 June 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLarnaca College (Larnaca)Digital Marketing (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.236.00329-03-2017S20-3 and 4 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationLarnaca College (Larnaca)Early Childhood Education (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.236.00615-01-2018S32-2 and 3 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationMesoyios CollegeHotel Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.242.00626-06-2019S66-11 and 12 May 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationMesoyios CollegeHotel Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.242.00726-06-2019S66-11 and 12 May 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026English
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationNeapolis CollegeHotel Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.254.001 16-12-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationNeapolis CollegeAccounting and Business Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.254.00216-12-2016S24-6 and 7 November 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationNeapolis CollegeTourism Administration and Marketing (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.254.00319-12-2016S21-24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInstitute of Professional Studies (IPS), UCLan CyprusProfessional Diploma in Agro-Farming - Agricultural Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.272.00106-07-2016S23-2 and 3 October 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInstitute of Professional Studies (IPS), UCLan CyprusProfessional Diploma in Agriculture (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07. July 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028GreekChange in Programme of Study Name
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInstitute of Professional Studies (IPS), UCLan CyprusAutomotive Mechanics (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.272.00319-12-2016S25-11 and 12 December 2017 Fall Semester 2017-2018Spring Semester 2022Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationInstitute of Professional Studies (IPS), UCLan CyprusWelding Certification (1 academic year, 60 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.272.00429-06-2023S109-15 July 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationHigher Hotel Institute of CyprusHospitality and Tourism Management (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.354.00125-06-2019S50-17 and 18 February 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationThe Police Academy Basic Training for Police Recruits (3 academic years, 190 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.372.00129-06-2018S42-13 and 14 May 2019Fall Semester 2019-2020Spring Semester 2024Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationThe Police Academy Basic Training for Police Recruits (3 academic years, 192 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.372.001.00120-11-2023S113-9 December 2024Spring Semester 2024-2025Fall Semester 2029Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationThe Police Academy Training for Fire Service Recruits (3 academic years, 192 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.372.00228-06-2019S57-4 September 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationThe Police Academy Training for Fire Service Recruits (3 academic years, 192 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.372.002.00101-02-2024S114-27 January 2025Fall Semester 2025-2026Spring Semester 2030Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationCyprus Forestry CollegeIn-Service Training of the New Entrants Forest Officers of the Department of Forests(1 academic year, 62 ECTS, Certificate)Certificate07.14.390.00128-12-2021S92-10 April 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationCyprus Forestry CollegeHigher Diploma in Forestry (3 academic years, 186 ECTS, Higher Diploma)Higher Diploma07.14.390.00223-10-2023S108-17 June 2024Fall Semester 2024-2025Spring Semester 2029Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaCNC Technology and Woodworking Industry (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.00105-06-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaCNC Technology and Woodworking Industry (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.001.00122-12-2020S84-18 July 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaComputer Networks and Communications (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.00205-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaComputer Networks and Communications (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.002.00130-12-2019S80-21 March 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaElectromechanical and Industrial Refrigeration Installations (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.00305-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaCooling and Air Handling Installations (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.003.00124-06-2019S73-25 October 2021Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.004 15-01-2018S30-14 and 15 May 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaPastry and Bakery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.004.00115-12-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaRestaurant Services (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.00530-12-2019S62-1 and 2 February 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.00621-02-2022S79-21 February 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LarnacaElectrical Installations and Automation Systems (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.399.01013-10-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00205-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaPastry and Bakery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.002.00126-05-2020S65-19 and 20 April 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaDairy and Cheese Making (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00305-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaDairy and Cheese Making (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.003.00112-01-2021S92-10 April 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaElectromechanical and Industrial Refrigeration Installations (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00405-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaCooling and Air Handling Installations (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.004.00124-06-2019S73-25 October 2021Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaIndustrial and Residential Automation (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00515-01-2018S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaElectrical Installations and Automation Systems (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.005.00113-10-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00721-02-2022S79-21 February 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaAutomotive Engineering (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00826-05-2020S73-25 October 2021Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK NicosiaComputer Networks and Communications (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.408.00930-12-2019S80-21 March 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosPurchasing and Supply Management and Shipping (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma) Diploma07.14.417.00105-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosSupply Chain Management and Maritime Studies (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.001.00127-06-2019S73-25 October 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosOrganic and Vegetable Crops (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.00205-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2016-2017Spring Semester 2021Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosOrganic Horticultural Crops (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.002.00116-07-2019S71-13 September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.00305-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.003.00126-05-2020S65-19 and 20 April 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosElectromechanical and Industrial Refrigeration Installations (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.00415-01-2018S34-10 and 11 September 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosRestaurant Services (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.00530-12-2019S62-1 and 2 February 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.00603-01-2020S56-23 July 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosComputer Networks and Communications (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.00730-12-2019S80-21 March 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK LemesosElectrical Installations and Automation Systems (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.417.01013-10-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCBS – College of Business StudiesAssociate of Arts in General Business (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.426.00112-01-2018S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Ceased by the institution since 01-09-2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCBS – College of Business StudiesBanking Technologist (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.426.00212-01-2018S33-23 and 24 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Ceased by the institution since 01-09-2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationCBS – College of Business StudiesAccounting Technologist (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.426.00512-01-2018S33-23 and 24 July 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Ceased by the institution since 01-09-2024
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationFresh ArtFine Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.445.00117-01-2018S55-2 July 2020Fall Semester 2020-2021Spring Semester 2025
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosOrganic Horticultural Crops (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00105-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosOrganic Horticultural Crops (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.001.00116-07-2019S71-13 September 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00205-07-2016S17-3 and 4 April 2017Fall Semester 2015-2016Spring Semester 2020GreekThe Optional foundation year has  not been accredited
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.002.00126-05-2020S65-19 and 20 April 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosComputer Networks and Communications (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00315-01-2018S31-18 and 19 June 2018Fall Semester 2018-2019Spring Semester 2023Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosComputer Networks and Communications (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.003.00115-12-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosRestaurant Services (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00430-12-2019S62-1 and 2 February 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00521-02-2022S79-21 February 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosCooling and Air Handling Installations (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00624-06-2019S73-25 October 2021Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK PafosElectrical Installations and Automation Systems (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.480.00913-10-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
4. Private Institution of Higher EducationEuropean Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF)Accounting and Financial Management (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.505.00231-12-2018S87-14 November 2022Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028English
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationAbsolute Institute of Technical Education (ΑΙΤΕ) - MIEEKDesign and CNC Technology – Woodworking Industry (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.726.00106-04-2022S88-19 December 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationAbsolute Institute of Technical Education (ΑΙΤΕ) - MIEEKCooling and Air Handling Installations (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.726.00206-04-2022S88-19 December 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationAbsolute Institute of Technical Education (ΑΙΤΕ) - MIEEKCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.726.00306-04-2022S88-19 December 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationAbsolute Institute of Technical Education (ΑΙΤΕ) - MIEEKCatering Services (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.726.00406-04-2022S88-19 December 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationAbsolute Institute of Technical Education (ΑΙΤΕ) - MIEEKElectrical Installations and Automation Systems (2 academic years, 120 ΕCTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.726.00813-10-2021S95-12 June 2023Fall Semester 2023-2024Spring Semester 2028Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK AvgorouAutomotive Engineering (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.766.00130-04-2024S113-9 December 2024Fall Semester 2025-2026Spring Semester 2030Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK ParalimniCatering Services (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.776.00130-04-2024S113-9 December 2024Fall Semester 2025-2026Spring Semester 2030Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK ParalimniCulinary Arts (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.776.00230-04-2024S113-9 December 2024Fall Semester 2025-2026Spring Semester 2030Greek
3. Public Institution of Higher EducationPost-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training - MIEEK ParalimniBakery and Confectionery (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Diploma)Diploma07.14.776.00330-04-2024S113-9 December 2024Fall Semester 2025-2026Spring Semester 2030Greek
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