Publication Date | Subject | Publication Document | 24/4/2020 | Implications of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on education and training: Implications of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on education and training: State-of-play in Member States |
22-04-2020 | INQAAHE’s affirmation of support during COVID-19 pandemic - President’s address on behalf of the Board | |
15/4/2020 | Implications of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on education and training: State-of-play in Member States | |
11-04-2020 | University World News - The Global Window on Higher Education | |
29-01-2019 | Strength through diversity’s Spotlight Report for Sweden, OECD Education Working Papers No. 194 | |
06-12-2018 | Higher Education and its Communities: a Transatlantic View on Openness, Democracy and Engagement, European University Association | |
11-10-2018 | Trends 2018 “Learning and Teaching in the European Higher Education Area”, European University Association |