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Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM)

1. Official Information Process of CYQAA Agency for the accredited Erasmus Mundus Joint Programme

The CYQAA Council has examined the Council of the European Union’s document, under the title “Council conclusions on the European Universities initiative – Bridging higher education, research, innovation and society: Paving the way for a new dimension in European higher education (2021/C 221/03) through which the European Council calls upon Member States “with full respect for Member States’ competences and with regard to the principle of subsidiarity, institutional autonomy, academic freedom and in accordance with national and regional circumstances” to, 

[35] Work together at international, national and regional level, as well as between governments and institutions, to identify and remove, where necessary, the obstacles towards more compatible higher education systems and closer strategic alliances of higher education institutions, building on the extensive work that has already been developed through the EEA, the EHEA and the ERA,


[37] Identify and remove, where necessary, obstacles to a European approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, by reinforcing institutional linkages and procedures between evaluation, accreditation, and quality assurance agencies registered on EQAR, to find modalities of automatic mutual recognition, as well as by facilitating the implementation of quality assurance procedures and encouraging joint evaluation and accreditation of study programmes.

Within this framework the CYQAA Council has decided that as far as the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes, are concerned, the Agency will follow the same policy as other agencies in European countries for the programmes which will be selected by the European Commission. That is, the programme will be evaluated by only one agency which will be registered in EQAR, fully adopting, thus, the https://www.dipae.ac.cy/archeia/anakoinoseis/02_European_Approach_QA_of_Joint_Programmes_v1_0.pdf" European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes which was approved by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

CYQAA should be officially informed for the selection and the operation of such joint programmes. The accredited Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Programmes are published on the table below  and they are announced by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth in the Official Gazette of the Government.

Participating Cyprus universities should send the official decision of the competent European body (European Education and Culture Executive Agency) to CYQAA.

2. Procedure for Submitting and Examining an Application for the evaluation/accreditation of an Erasmus Mundus  Joint Programme

The procedure for submitting and examining an Application for the accreditation/evaluation Erasmus Mundus Joint Programme from the CYQAA agency is exactly the same with the procedure followed for Joint Programmes. Information and forms for submitting and examining an application for the evaluation/accreditation of a joint programme can be found in FORMS.

3. Accredited Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes

The table below includes the Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide. The programmes have been evaluated by external Evaluation Committees of Experts and accredited by agency which is registered in EQAR,  according to the procedures applied for conventional programmes of study and according to specific quality assurance criteria applied for joint programmes of study.