Strategic Plans

Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Strategic Plan 2018-2020

Cross-border Quality Assurance - Policy and Guidelines

The ESG Framework

CYQAA fully acknowledges that the ESG provide a framework for all QA activities in the EHEA, and that they may be implemented in different ways in different contexts. For this reason, specific adaptations might be required based on the legal framework and the education system’s traditions and structure in the higher education setting where cross-border QA will be carried out. Any alterations to the agency’s procedures remain in line with the ESG and are made publicly available. 

Preparing for cross-border QA

A preliminary meeting between CYQAA and the institution ensures a shared understanding of the national and institutional context and the forthcoming QA process.

A formal agreement is signed between the two parties, outlining the aims of the procedure and responsibilities of all parties.

Conducting due diligence and gathering further background information supports successful cross-border QA. This may include CYQAA contacting the local QA agency to acquire information of previous external QA reports and decisions concerning the institution.

 Expert selection and Training for cross-border QA

CYQAA ensures the transparent and appropriate selection and training of its external evaluation experts. Specific training and briefing is particularly important if they are working in an unfamiliar context.

The institution’s representatives may participate in such trainings and briefings, conducted by CYQAA, so that they may also brief external evaluation experts on relevant contextual issues.

The institution, CYQAA and the external evaluation experts are sensitive to cultural and contextual differences.

The procedure for cross-border QA:

The practicalities of cross-border QA set out in the formal agreement between both parties which may include aspects such as language considerations and specificities of the site visit(s).

CYQAA conducts its external evaluation procedures in English and the working language of its external evaluation committees is English.

For this reason the institution should consider the time and resources required to provide, if necessary, translations of relevant documents and interpretation during the site visit(s). This is clarified in advance, during the arrangements for the site visit(s) and it is duly stated in the formal agreement between the two parties.

Communication between CYQAA  and the institution should address various issues, which may include, in addition to language aspects, the length of the site visit(s), time allocated for interviews, the selection of interviewees and matters of reporting.

Formal Recognition Process of cross-border QA decision:

CYQAA and the institution take into account any additional steps necessary for the formal recognition by the relevant national bodies of any decision following the completion of a cross-border QA procedure that is part of national mandatory QA. This may not be necessary in all settings.

Any national requirements or criteria should be addressed in the structuring and contents of the report to ensure its recognition if the process is part of the national mandatory QA.

CYQAA ensures the publication of and access to the full report.

Financial Issues:

CYQAA charges the Higher Education institution fees to meet the full costs of Cross-Border QA.

The fees are as follows:

  1. For programmes of study of a duration of one (1) academic year on a full-time basis or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis at Certificate level, €1.800.
  2. For programmes of study of a duration of two (2) academic years on a full-time basis or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis at Diploma level, €2.500.
  3. For programmes of study of a duration of three (3) academic years on a full-time basis or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis at Higher Diploma level, €4.000.
  4. For programmes of study of a duration of four (4) academic years on a full-time basis or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis at Degree level (Bachelors), €5.500.
  5. For postgraduate Masters level programmes, €7.000.
  6. For postgraduate programmes of study at Ph.D. level, €8.500.
  7. Institutional Evaluation of universities €17.000 per Department.
  8. Departmental Evaluation of Universities €13.500 per Department.
  9. Institutional Evaluation of other higher education institutions, €10.000.
  10. Evaluation –Accreditation of a programme of study of a Higher Education Institution (Bachelors) degree, offered by the franchise method at an educational establishment of another state €8.000.
  11. Evaluation-Accreditation of a programme of study at Masters level which is offered through the franchise method in an educational establishment in another member state €10.000.
  12. Evaluation-Accreditation of a programme of study offered by a Higher Education Institution at Doctorate level, through the franchise method in an educational establishment in another member state €12.000.

The total fee is payable by higher education institution to CYQAA on signature of the contract.


The above cover the coordination of the cross-border QA, and CYQAA administrative overhead.

Additionally, institutions cover expenses which include (a) remuneration of at least 5 (five) experts in the panel, (b) the travel and subsistence costs for the site visit of at least 5 (five) experts and 2 (two) CYQAA Officers and (c) other expenses incurred within the external evaluation process.

If the amount of expenses is exceeded, CYQAA will claim the exceeding costs from the Institution after the completion of the external evaluation and may provide justification of expenses (i.e., receipts and boarding passes) as needed. If actual travel and subsistence costs finish under budget, CYQAA will refund the difference to the Institution. All travel will be in economy class.

Fees and expenses are payable by the higher education institution to CYQAA as soon as they are incurred within the provisions of a signed contract.

Reports by the agency

Joint Programmes

1. Procedure for Submitting and Examining an Application for the evaluation/accreditation of a Joint Programme

Information and forms for submitting and examining an application for the evaluation/accreditation of a joint programme can be found in FORMS.

2. Accredited Joint Programmes

The table below includes the joint programmes offered by higher education institutions (HEIs). The programmes have been externally evaluated by external Evaluation Committees of Experts and accredited by the Agency according to the procedures applied for conventional programmes of study and according to specific quality assurance criteria applied for joint programmes of study.

Institution TypeInst/tionProgramme of StudyDegreeRef. NumberDate of Appl/tionCYQAA SummitCom/ment of Accr/tionAccr/tion ExpiresLanguage of instructionCommentsExternal Ev/tion ReportInst/tion CmntsCYQAA ReportsCourse Distr/tion
2. Private UniversityNeapolis UniversityForensic Accounting (1.5 academic years, 90 ECTS, Master(ΜSc), Joint Inter-university Programme with the Unviversity of Western Macedonia, E-Learning)Master07.14.281.05830-06-2021S82 - 16 May 2022Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek / English
2. Private UniversityNeapolis UniversityForensic Accounting (1.5 academic years, 90 ECTS, Master(ΜSc), Joint Inter-university Programme with the Unviversity of Western Macedonia)Master07.14.281.06130-06-2021S82 - 16 May 2022Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek / English
2. Private UniversityNeapolis UniversityData Analytics and FinTech (1.5 academic years, 90 ECTS, Master (MSc), Joint Programme with the Hellenic Mediterranean University)Master07.14.281.06215-12-2021S86 - 10 October 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek / English
2. Private UniversityNeapolis UniversityData Analytics and FinTech (1.5 academic years, 90 ECTS, Master (MSc), E-Learning, Joint Programme with the Hellenic Mediterranean University)Master07.14.281.06315-12-2021S86 - 10 October 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027Greek / English
1. Public UniversityUniversity of CyprusBusiness Economic Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (Time MBE) (15 months, Master, Joint Programme with University of Crete and Wageningen University)Master07.14.290.00120-09-2016S16 - 13 and 14 March 2017Fall Semester 2017 - 2018Spring Semester 2022
1. Public UniversityUniversity of CyprusSchool Counselling and Guidance (6 academic semesters, 140 ECTS, Master(MA), Joint degree by the University of Cyprus and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)Master07.14.290.12311-02-2020S82 - 16 May2022Fall Semester 2022- 2023Spring Semester 2027English
1. Public UniversityOpen University of CyprusERMII/Enterprise Risk Management (4 academic semesters, 120 ECTS, Master, Joint Programme with Hellenic Open University)Master07.14.299.02828-07-2021S83 - 20 June 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027English
1. Public UniversityCyprus University of TechnologyElectronic Science and Technology (3 academic years, 118 ECTS, Master(MSc), Joint Programme with the Hangzhou Dianzi University)Master07.14.308.02131-05-2022S87 - 14 November, 2022Spring Semester 2022-2023Fall Semester 2027English
1. Public UniversityCyprus University of TechnologyInteraction Design (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Master(MSc), Joint Programme with the University of Tallinn)Master07.14.308.06631-03-2020S80 - 21 March 2022Fall Semester 2022 - 2023Spring Semester 2027English
2. Private UniversityFrederick University (Nicosia, Limassol)International Studies (1.5 academic years, 90 ECTS, Master, Joint Programme with Panteion University)Master07.14.318.00607-07-2016S12 - 28 and 29 November 2016Fall Semester 2016 - 2017Spring Semester 2025Greek
2. Private UniversityFrederick University (Nicosia, Limassol)European Law (3 academic semesters, 90 ECTS, Master, E-Learning, Joint Programme with Hellenic Open University)Master07.14.318.06429-11-2019S69 - 12 July 2021Fall Semester 2021-2022Spring Semester 2026English
2. Private UniversityFrederick University (Nicosia, Limassol)Intercultural Studies and Greek as a Second/Foreign Language (3 academic semesters, 90 ECTS, Master(MEd), E-Learning, Joint program with the University of Western Macedonia)Master07.14.318.07525-06-2020S81 - 20 April 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027English
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaCriminal Law and Addictions with directions: a)Criminal Law of addictions, b)Legal ang Therapeutic treatment of addictions (1.5 academic years, 90 ECTS, Master, Joint Programme with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)Master07.14.336.00401-07-2016S12 - 28 and 29 November 2016Fall Semester 2016 - 2017Spring Semester 2021
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaSpecial Education (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Master, E-Learning, Joint Programme with the Patras University)Master07.14.336.00601-07-2016S12 - 28 and 29 November 2016Fall Semester 2016 - 2017Spring Semester 2021
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaSpecial Education (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Master(Μed), Joint Inter-university Programme with the Unviversity of Patras, E-Learning)Master07.14.336.006.00130-11-2020S79 - 22 February 2022Spring Semester 2021-2022Fall Semester 2026Greek
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaEducation of Adult Educators and Vocational Education and Training Trainers (1.5 academic years, Master(Master of Education), E-Learning, Joint Programme with the University of Peloponnese)Master07.14.336.01919-12-2016S21 - 24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017 - 2018Spring Semester 2022
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaHuman Rights, Society and Multilevel Governance (3 academic years, 180 ECTS, Doctorate(PhD)), Joint Programme with the Universities (a)University of Padova (b)University of  Sydney (c) University of Zagreb (d) Panteion University and Social and Political Sciences) Doctorate07.14.336.024 19-12-2016S20 - 3 and 4 July 2017Fall Semester 2017 - 2018Spring Semester 2022
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaComputational Design and Digital Fabrication (Master(MSc), Joint Programme with University of Innsbruck, E-Learning)Master07.14.336.02519-12-2016S21 - 24 and 25 July 2017Fall Semester 2017 - 2018Spring Semester 2022
2. Private UniversityUniversity of NicosiaIntercultural Education and Mediation (2 academic years, 120 ECTS, Master(Μed), Joint Inter-university Programme with the Unviversity of Patras, E-Learning)Master07.14.336.13201-02-2022S82 - 16 May 2022Fall Semester 2022-2023Spring Semester 2027Greek
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