Students' Assessment

The Council of the Cyprus Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education, during its 78th Summit held on January 18, 2022, taking into account the observations of the External Evaluation Committees, points out the following for full compliance:

Demanding assessment practices and feedback are closely linked with the quality of teaching, they inform teaching and learning and contribute to students’ gradual fulfilment of the expected learning outcomes.

  • Teachers design fit-for-purpose assessment practices based on the learning outcomes and the objectives of each courses;
  • Teachers use assessment data to diagnose student learning needs and plan for learning;
  • Teachers provide regular feedback to students on their progress against learning outcomes;
  • Rubrics analyze the expected outcomes and facilitate continuous assessment and concrete feedback.

In addition, according to Standard 1.3 of the European standards and Guidelines (ESG), considering the importance of assessment for the students’ progression and their future careers, quality assurance processes for assessment [should] take into account the following:

  • Assessors are familiar with existing testing and examination methods and receive support in developing their own skills in this field;
  • The criteria for and method of assessment as well as criteria for marking are published in advance;
  • The assessment allows students to demonstrate the extent to which the intended learning outcomes have been achieved. Students are given feedback, which, if necessary, is linked to advice on the learning process;
  • Where possible, assessment is carried out by more than one examiner;
  • The regulations for assessment take into account mitigating circumstances;
  • Assessment is consistent, fairly applied to all students and carried out in accordance with the stated procedures;
  • A formal procedure for student appeals is in place.

19 January 2022